
Data, Information, and Technical Communication Executive Certificate


$10,000 Enroll

Full program description

We’re here to help you grow your career and master leading-edge approaches to communicating data and information, whether you’re trying to write crystal-clear specs or show off project data to a CEO. The Data, Information, and Technical Communication Executive Certificate is an online professional education program designed to teach you how to communicate about technical processes and complex datasets to a wide variety of stakeholders in both written and visual forms. This program is unique among technical communication programs in its emphasis on data communication, visual communication, and contemporary work processes which complement our strengths in technical writing and information design.
The designers of this program are information designers, technical communication professionals, and researchers dedicated to the craft of effective data communication. This skill set is in high demand in a variety of sectors ranging from telecommunications to medicine, from public policy to private tech firms. Our alumni work at top companies like Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and more.
This executive program is designed to be part-time, and is perfect for working professionals or graduate students looking to amplify their skillset and marketability. All classes are offered fully online and asynchronously to help you complete your credential in less than a year. The program itself consists of a series of four courses:
  • Technical Writing: Discover the types of documents that technical writers produce, as well as key writing and ethical challenges in technical writing. You will learn to produce effective internal and end-user documentation through strategic project management and teamwork strategies.
  • Information Design and Management: Learn principles and theories of information design, and how to apply them to create effective and accessible technical writing.
  • Data Visualization and Communication: Learn to transform raw, unstructured data for your own purposes into effective and ethical graphical designs.
  • Visualization and Infographics: Learn to use design tools and graphics platforms to analyze data and design your own visualizations, effectively leveraging color and design principles.

Download a program brochure here!

Questions? Contact Hannah Ringler at


This certificate program is open to all who would benefit from it in their careers — no application necessary! To enroll and pay at once, click “add to cart” at the top of this page. To enroll and pay in 4 installments over the course of the program, please click here.



Audience: This certificate program is designed for a professional audience looking to build their skills in communicating technically. Students who complete this certificate may choose to later stack these courses towards an M.S. in Technology & Humanities, or an M.S. in Technical Communication and Information Communication.

Course structure: All courses are offered online and asynchronously. In each course, students will complete a series of online modules, supplemented by readings and individual and group assignments.

Enrollment fee: The total program cost is $10,000. Significant scholarships are available to students from all African nations, Pakistan, India, and some other Middle Eastern nations. Additionally, $1,000 scholarships are available for Illinois Tech alumni. To apply for this scholarship, please contact

Program timeline: The whole certificate program takes 9 months to complete, from August 21, 2023, to May 3, 2024. The program is structured as a series of 4 8-week courses.